
新年对于小朋友们/单身贵族们 (就是还没结婚啦), 最快乐的事就是莫过于领红包!

虽然安儿年级不小了, 还曾被问 “赶快找个男朋友然后结婚, 这样我不用再给你红包了!” (LOL) 可是我还想要领红包的那份心情~ (主要的是里面有钱)

仔细想想, 如果到了不能领红包的日子后, 到时候你应该会想念当年领红包的那份心情吧?
所以呢, 就先让我享受领红包的心情吧! (所以别再催我什么时候找到男朋友, 什么时候结婚. 缘分没到啊~)

To kids / Singlehood people (for those that not yet get married), the happiest things you can get at CNY is to receive Angpaos!

Angpaos are mainly presented at social and family gatherings such as weddings or on holidays such as the Lunar New Year. The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is supposed to ward off evil spirits. Chinese adults usually put some money inside and giving out to the kids, youngsters and singlehood, for good luck and blessing purposes. I remember when I was young, my mom tells me that receiving angpaos from the adults means that they wish you to grow up all well, be healthy and be happy always!

Anfieldyee may be an (single) adult, was once questioned “when are you going to have a boyfriend and get married? So that I would not giving you angpao anymore?” (LOL) But I am still enjoy the privilege of receiving the angpaos.

Come to think of if, when you reach the stage whereby you are no longer to receive angpao, you might miss that moment, right?
Therefore, don’t question me when am I going to find a boyfriend and get married, love cannot force wan. Allow me to enjoy the receiving angpao moment!

这几天有幸的收到几分红包, 其中包括在我人生中第一次从老板手上领双份红包, 然后是向一对情侣的家人领红包. 好开心涅~ 😀

I am thankful for being able to receive handful of angpaos these few days. One of them is getting two red packets from my newly-wed boss, and the other one is receiving two angpaos at the same time from Crazygirl & her boy’s family.

Imma a happy girl this year! 😀

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其实我本身也没料到利物浦会在这场比赛发疯, 在短短20分钟内进了四粒. (所以, 别讨厌我们啊~~)

当天看了面子书关于这场比赛的最新消息后, 心里有种冲力想立刻驾车去附近的嘛嘛档看这场比赛. 无奈, 我有集堆如山的衣服等着我收. (不~~~)

果然, 在足球场上, 任何事情就可以发生的. 就好像现实生活中, 往往都会带来意想不到的结果.

做你该做的事, 活在当下, 保持感恩之心, 你会发现到生活是美好的!

PS: 最后是利物浦以五比一收场.
PSS: 我指的三大队伍就是切尔西, 曼市 以及在阿申纳场作队. 🙂


English Version
Frankly speaking, I never expect that this Liverpool will go crazy like this, netted 4 goals in just 20 minutes! (So, don’t hate us. We are innocents~~)

That night right after knowing the latest news through facebook, I’ve this strong feeling of going out to visit the nearest mamak to watch this match. Unfortunately, I’ve tons of laundries needs to be done. (No~~~)

Nothing is impossible when it comes to football. Just like in reality world, everything is possible. You never know what you are getting at the end of the day.

Do what you want / need to do, appreciate what you’ve got, giving thanks to everything in your life, you will appreciate life even more!

PS: At the end of the day, Liverpool beat Arsenal with 5 goals against 1.
PSS: The Big 3 I’ve mentioned earlier on are Chelsea, Manchester City and away game with Arsenal. 🙂

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Melting Hippo.

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Firecrackers everywhere~ (At Night)

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一个人在家的晚上 (三)

Home Alone 3

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