
Recently all medias were covering about the missing Malaysia Airline news:


马航 MH370 已经失踪了六天, 至今还下落不明.
去到哪里, 大家都在聊着这个话题. 怎么连一点线索以及证据都没有, 好好的一架波音机怎么会这样消失呢?

随着马航失联以进入了第六天, 越来越多国家加入寻找这飞机. 本来介入这搜寻的就只有马来西亚, 新加坡, 越南, 菲律宾, 印尼, 泰国, 澳洲等, 现在中国, 美国, 印度, 台湾以及日本也加入. 像是 “国际寻宝任务” 正在水深火热地进行着.
尤其是越南, 他们找到了很多疑似和马航失联有关的线索, 无奈一一地被排除了.

这件事无可否认对那些在上面的 239 乘客的家属是一个打击. 那些有孩子的都等待他们的父母, 做父母的等待孩子回来, 最坏的打算可能是连尸体也找不到呢? 要熬过这段日子, 的确不容易.

Well, it has been informed that they (Malaysia) will only provides accurate information to the public.

It has been 6 days since MH 370 went disappear mysteriously.
Everyone here in Malaysia is talking about this: How could such a modern type of Boeing aircraft would have been disappear?

As search enters sixth days, more and more countries were involved in searching for this aircraft. From only Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippine, Indonesia, Thailand and Australia, later on China, US, India, Taiwan and Japan offer themselves to join the search. Looks to me like an “International Treasure Hunt Mission” taking place at South China Sea.
What Vietnam did effortlessly on spotting debris and oil slicks lately, which may links to the missing MH370 really appreciated, even though all of these has been denied.

This tragedy has definitely bring impact on the families of the passenger MH370. Waiting anxiously to have their love once to come back but worse come to worse is they are unable to meet them. It wasn’t easy to face such sudden situation.

面对着何去何从的 MH370, 我们唯一能做到的是给予祈祷:
The only thing we can do to help them is by praying:

(在空闲时画了这个, 一个等待飞机出现的小女孩
Drew this during my free time, about a little girl who waiting for the plane to come back.)

一日不见飞机, 我们不会选择放弃!
大家也跟我一起来为 MH370 来祷告, 期待奇迹的出现! 也祝福 MH370 的家属们能够度过这个难关!

Never give up hope until the aircraft has been found!
Lets pray for miracle on MH370! And also to the passengers’ families to overcome such tragedy!

我希望大家不要随意散播那些关于 MH370 不真实的谣言. 这样对他们的家属好一点. 相信你也明白到他们面对这些事的心情.
I do hope that you can do your part to stop sharing the untruth rumors about MH370. At least it will do good for the passengers’ families. They had enough dealing with this tragedy.

Posted in Only in Malaysia | Tagged | 15 Comments


Why Me?

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Le Hippo Emcees

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难得是十九年久久一次的东方与西方的情人节节碰在一起, 当然要 blog 出来咯! XD

今天安儿没跟某某人庆祝 (本来就没有), 但是能和家人度过这特别的情人节, 算是有意义吧?


最后, 在此祝贺大家: 情人+元宵节快乐!!
还没有的, 赶快和我一起去抛橄吧~ XD

Once in a while after 19 years, where Valentine and Chinese Valentine aka Chap Goh Meh happens together on the same date, of course I need to blog out! XD

Today Anfieldyee did not celebrate with her special one (because I do not have, yet). However, I’m thankful for being able to celebrate with my family. I guess, this is call Family Valentine? Sounds special to me! 🙂

How do you spend your valentine / chap goh meh? I bet the couples have busy plans than I do.

Lastly, allow me to take this opportunity to wish everyone: HAPPY VALENTINE & CHAP GOH MEH!!
Come, those who wants to throw mandarin orange, lets go Sungai Klang now! XD


对了, 今天我发现到谷歌的前面好特别哦:
By the way, Google has this interesting theme for Valentine this year:

第一画面就是你送神秘礼物给你的女友. 你下个步骤就是要按 Play 按钮.
First picture is you are giving a mystery gift to your girlfriend. All you need to do is to press “Play” button.

然后你必须要制作巧克力, 放在盒子里.
Next is you need to make chocolates, and put it inside the box.

系上ribbon, 就大功告成啦~
Tied up with a ribbon, and you are ready to give it to your girlfriend!!

只有在电脑面前才可以做到哦! 如果你是用手机来看这篇文章的话是行不通的哦.
You are only able to do this at your PC/desktop. Sorry to say that tt won’t work if you are using mobile.

Posted in 日志篇 ● Diary | Tagged , , , , | 63 Comments


It rain finally!

续从 (Continue from) http://anfieldyee.antzblog.com/2014/02/melting-hippo/

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