
失踪了多日, 我终于甘愿出来! =__________=
在还没 po 这篇文章之前, 你或许在想我在这段期间 (也就是位于 31/7 – 12/8) 去了哪儿吧? (自言自语ing).


其实那段日子, 我…..生病了! Orz

生病恶魔不放过我, 再一次的让我病倒了. 不过这次没比上次的更严重, 差别是我在两天里竟然讲不到话! 也就是说, 这次我生病没暂时失去体力, 而是声音. @@
朋友们知道我不能讲话后, 纷纷都说: “这样我就可以欺负你了啦!!” (正如上图那样), 就连平时对人很斯文的人也对我这么说. 鸡蛋糕!! 我看起来那么好欺负吗??
<img src=”/plugins/HC_Emoticons/emoticons/red/red%284%29.png” alt=”眼冒火” longdesc=”” border=”0″><img src=”/plugins/HC_Emoticons/emoticons/red/red%284%29.png” alt=”眼冒火” longdesc=”” border=”0″>

不过, 谢天谢地, 我很快就找回来我的声音了! 可见我的免疫力真的不是盖的! Muahaha!!!
<img src=”/plugins/HC_Emoticons/emoticons/red/red%2885%29.png” alt=”赢了” longdesc=”” border=”0″>

生病当天, 休息时间变得很多, 处于胡思乱想的次数也变得越来越多. 最近刚找到很想要知道的答案, 心情也变得好多了. 所以大家不用担心我了! 嘿嘿

没声音的当天, 我和我朋友跑去在墨尔本举办的Chocolate Festival (也就是 7/8/09). 在不知天高地厚的情况下吃了好多巧克力! @@ 可是厚, 我第二天的声音不但没变本加厉, 反而变成我平时的声音了! 神奇哪!!!!!!

可见我的免疫力真的真的不是盖的…… XD

以下是当天拍的照片 (用我新的手机 – 我终于拥有能拍照的手机了! TwT):

[#M_English Version|less..|Being disappear for a while, it’s time for me to show up.
You might be wondering where the heck am I taking so long to show up myself before I wrote this post. (Asking to myself)
I didn’t mean to disappear, really…

Because, I was sick, AGAIN!

Yes, I was sick for the second time in Melbourne! But it is not as bad as last time, where I experienced lack of energy to do something else. The difference is I lost my voice this time for 2 days. YES! You can imagine that I’d to post all sort of funny action for that 2 days, AGAIN!

When my friends knew that I’ve lost my voice, all they told me is: “Then I can talk bad thing about you!!!”, even for the person who has the kind look. Why??? Do I look like very easily being bully??
<img src=”/plugins/HC_Emoticons/emoticons/red/red%284%29.png” alt=”眼冒火” longdesc=”” border=”0″><img src=”/plugins/HC_Emoticons/emoticons/red/red%284%29.png” alt=”眼冒火” longdesc=”” border=”0″>

Thank God that I’ve my voice back after 2 days! Not like before, where it takes 1 week for me to recover. It seems that my immune system is getting stronger and stronger! Muahaha!

During that period of time, I’ve been thinking a lot, answers were kept coming out. So I guess I’ve myself calm down finally.
<img src=”/plugins/HC_Emoticons/emoticons/red/red%2885%29.png” alt=”赢了” longdesc=”” border=”0″>

At 9 August, where I still haven’t had my voice come back, I went to North Melbourne for Chocolate festival. It was invited by my friends. As a chocolate fans, obviously I’m DESPERATE to go even though I’ve been told not to eat chocolates~ XD

However, that does not stop me trying little piece (Yaya I can’t control my temptation). I ended up eating lots of pieces of chocolate. BUT, my voice came back the next day, and it becomes better and better! It seems that it’s nothing wrong to eat good quality chocolate when you’re sick!

Or rather, my immune system is really very strong…XD

Here are the photos taken on that day, with my new hand phone (Finally, I’ve a camera hp! TwT). Enjoy:_M#]

(Cool chocolate advertisement on the car)
They are MINE!! ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!很可爱的猫巧克力 (Cute chocolate cat)


(Chocolate in white-stone form)

当天最喜欢的巧克力. (Chocolate of the day)

专门设计给小孩子的吗? (Design for the kids?)

当天吃到最好吃的巧克力 (Another chocolate of the day)

最后的五张照片, 是真的巧克力哦~ 嘿嘿
The last 5 pictures are real chocolate. Believe it not!

About 安儿

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10 Responses to 没有声音的日子

  1. callisto1204 says:


  2. 杰克蚁 says:


  3. 小雨点 says:



  4. awhalelife says:

    安儿。。我要那个猫咪巧克力。。(眼泪bling bling ing。。)


  5. ykching says:

    安儿 要好好照顾自己哦 >.< msn换了觉得告诉大家~

  6. 黑翼 says:





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